Leading Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce

 We have supported over 300 women from 25 cultural heritages to navigate their personal, leader and organisational barriers as a result of the gender & culture bias experienced.


How you can get involved

Culturally Diverse
Women Masterclass

Inclusion program for CALD People who self-identify as culturally and linguistically diverse – includes Indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres straits Islander peoples; first and second generation migrants (Usually Non- Anglo Celtic/Saxon)* women to overcome barriers and leverage their success factors, to create leadership pathways that address the significant under-representation of culturally diverse women in senior leadership roles 


Culturally Diverse
Workforce Awards

The Culturally Diverse Workforce Awards 2021 awards is being held to encourage best practice in Cultural Diversity and Inclusion, to enable and foster culturally inclusive environments and of course, to celebrate the allies, role models  and change makers


“Most of the time, people from diverse backgrounds have had to break ceilings in their own cultures, before they start to break ceilings in Australian culture”

– Female CEO, Leading Property Group (culturally diverse background)

Our Impact

Empowering, Engaging
& Encouraging Diversity

Both the CDW MasterClass series and the focused program for companies are designed to positively impact the bottom-line of participating corporates – by ensuring that the qualities common to culturally diverse people, like resilience, innovation and agility are fully leveraged. CDW links strongly to existing Financial, Performance, People, Customer and Social Innovation strategies and delivers a proven solution to address the imbalance, where none to date have been effective.

The action CDW requires from corporate leaders and boards is to provide support to, and invest in talented and capable culturally diverse people, already present in their organisations. 

Be part of the 2021
Culturally Diverse Workforce Awards...

Proudly Supporting
UN Sustainable Development Goals

CDW are working actively on Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and Goal 10 (Reduced Inequality) of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Acknowledgement to Country

At CDW, we pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia.  Representing the oldest living culture in the world, First Nations people have been the traditional custodians of this land for more than 65000 years. Australia, is the only commonwealth country that does not have a signed treaty (a formal agreement with the government and Indigenous people). We at CDW are committed to ensuring that we are inclusive of First Nation Women – we have and always will sponsor these women into our Masterclass at no charge.